Safeguarding Children Vulnerable Persons Policy Updated 12th August 2020
dlr Leisure has a legal and moral responsibility to create and maintain the safest possible environment for children to enjoy sports and other recreational, social and leisure pursuits provided directly by us. dlr Leisure accepts that in all matters concerning child protection, the welfare and protection of the young person is paramount. We will adhere to the Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children.
Any person who suspects that a child is being abused, or is at risk of abuse, has a responsibility and a duty of care to report their concerns to the Child Protection Liaison Office for each dlr Leisure Centre.
Our policy is given in more detail in the document referenced in the following section Safeguarding Children Vulnerable Persons Policy Updated 12th August 2020
Please also refer to our Child Safeguarding Statement dlr Leisure’s Child Safeguarding Statement August 2020
Child Protection Officers

Alison Jones
Child Liaison Officer & Designated Liaison Person dlr Leisure Ballyogan

Paul Murphy
Child Liaison Officer – dlr Leisure Sports

Darren O’Connor
Child Liaison Officer – dlr Leisure Meadowbrook

Gary Murphy
Child Liaison Officer – dlr Leisure Monkstown

Elaine Murphy
Child Liaison Officer & Designated Liaison Person dlr Leisure Meadowbrook

David Lewins
Child Liaison Officer – dlr Leisure Stepaside Golf

Geraldine Dunleavy Larkin
Child Liaison Officer & Designated Liaison Person dlr Leisure Head Office