dlr Leisure manages and operates the public leisure facilities at:
dlr Leisure Loughlinstown, dlr Leisure Meadowbrook, dlr Leisure Monkstown
The facilities are available on a pay as you go basis with additional value options available on 3, 6 and 12 month memberships as well as a monthly Recurring Card Payment option
Each of the facilities has a large range of fitness and leisure programmes to suit all age groups and abilities that are completed in modern safe leisure facilities overseen by qualified leisure professionals.
We are proud to say that all of our staff teams have completed both Garda Vetting and are trained with respect to the provisions of the Children’s Act 2001 and have completed training in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as issued by the Irish Sports Council.
Each of our facilities also strives to deliver best practice in all aspects of its business operations and this is proven by external auditing annually by both Ireland Active and the EIQA Q Mark authority
Please review each of our facilities individual pages to discover what is available for your fitness requirements and enjoyment

Each of the four facilities have gymnasiums that contain Cardiovascular, Resistance, Free weights and Functional training zones. Fitness Instructors are available to tailor and design Fitness programmes to meet your requirements.

Swimming Pools are available at Loughlinstown, Meadowbrook and Monkstown with separate learner pools available at both Meadowbrook and Monkstown. A range of swimming activities are programmed throughout each day.
Fitness studios of varying sizes are available across our Three facilities with designated spinning studios in three facilities. Fitness classes provide a wide range of classes from Bodyburn to Pilates and all completed by fully trained fitness instructors.

Our Loughlinstown facility has two large indoor sports halls that can be booked individually. The halls are suitable for a large variety of indoor activities.

Our Monkstown facility hosts the largest concrete skatepark in Dublin with a series of ramps for beginner, intermediate and advanced level.
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00am – 9:30pm (Closed Bank Holidays)
Saturday 9:30am – 5:30pm
Sunday 10:30am – 5:00pm
Pay as You Go Prices: Adult €6.00, Child €4.00
dlr Leisure is proud to offer a range of inclusive and accessible wet and dry programmes to our younger customers. These start at 3mths with parent and baby swims and progresses to swimming lessons up to 16 years of age including accredited lifesaving courses. On the dry side Multi Sports camps for children 6-12 years of age and fitness classes through our Teen Gym programme.